Will teachers' salaries be increased? Orders to increase salaries for teachers

Salaries of kindergarten teachers in Russia are paid directly from the state budget. The bulk of the work is concentrated in government agencies. This is evidenced by the number of vacancies in the labor market and the question of whether there will be an increase in salaries for educators, whether or not from May 2018, is of interest to Russians working in this field. The exception is work in private kindergartens.

Several years ago, a systematic reduction in wages for employees of the education system began, reports the portal 1rre.ru. Incomes for educators have become one of the lowest in this area. The salary increase for teachers in 2018 in Russia remains one of the most pressing issues. Therefore, it is worth studying the latest news in the field of salary revision.

Salary level for teachers in 2018

In addition to work in government agencies, today there is much less work in commercial organizations if we compare the number of vacancies from private and public employers.

In 2017, the increase in the salary fund for teachers was systematically stopped; now the incomes of educators remain at a relatively low level.

Most of the salary fund was spent on raises for subject teachers. Until now, whether educators’ salaries will be increased in 2018 remains relevant and quite pressing for specialists in this field.

Most educators will be disappointed this year. Until this moment, the prospects for the growth of teachers’ salaries in the near future have not been determined. Officials promise indexation of teachers' salaries only in theory.

The main obstacle to the implementation of such plans is the lack of necessary funds in the state budget. Vague prospects also remain regarding indexation and salary increases.

Increase in salaries for teachers in 2018

The last increase in wages for public sector employees took place at the beginning of 2018, when general indexation took place for employees of schools, kindergartens, technical schools, schools, colleges and institutions of higher education.

Hopes for wage indexation were in vain; in fact, they did not happen.

Also, the prospects for the growth of educators’ salaries in the future are also quite vague, whether educators’ salaries will be increased in 2018, and whether we can expect qualitative changes in a positive direction.

On the topic “teacher salaries in 2018,” the latest news is that officials have promised to index and increase the salary.

This year there is nothing to please specialists in material terms. According to the government, there is virtually no money in the current budget to index teachers’ salaries.

Indexation of salaries for teachers in 2018

The payment of indexation when calculating salaries for teachers remains open. The President of Russia has set tasks for the government to increase wages for employees in the education sector.

In 2018, the following tasks are planned:

  • reducing the queue for kindergartens and nurseries;
  • annual indexation of salaries for teachers working in preschool educational institutions.

Despite the last points, a large number of young specialists leave the profession every year. To improve the financial situation of employees in the field of education, it will be necessary to allocate several trillion rubles from the State budget.

To improve the situation, a minimum address for each teacher of 200 rubles can be applied. The level of remuneration also directly depends on the region in which the teacher works.

According to information from some sources, the province plans to improve the financial situation of educators by 200%. and other sources report that the Russian government’s plans for this year only include indexation of teachers’ salaries.

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Payment of salaries to kindergarten teachers in the Russian Federation is made directly from the state budget. The exception is work in private kindergartens. The bulk of the work is concentrated in government agencies. This is evidenced by the number of vacancies in the labor market.

A few years ago, a systematic reduction in salary increases for employees of the education system began. Educators have some of the lowest incomes in this field. The salary increase for teachers in 2018 in Russia remains one of the most pressing issues. Below we will explore the latest news in the field of salary revision.

Salary levels in 2018 - are there plans to increase them?

Most educators will be disappointed this year. Until this moment, the prospects for the growth of teachers’ salaries in the near future have not been determined. Russian officials only promise indexation of teachers' salaries only in theory.

The main obstacle to the implementation of such plans is the lack of necessary funds in the state budget. Vague prospects also remain regarding indexation and salary increases.

Teachers' salaries: indexation

The issue of indexation when calculating salaries for teachers remains open. The President of the Russian Federation set tasks for the government to increase the salaries of employees in the education sector.

In addition, the following tasks are planned for 2018:

  1. Reducing the queue for kindergartens and nurseries.
  2. Annual indexation of salaries for teachers working in preschool education institutions.

Despite the last points, a large number of young specialists leave the profession every year. To improve the financial situation of employees in the field of education, it will be necessary to allocate several trillion rubles from the State budget. It is unknown whether the salary of a teacher will be increased in 2018 in Russia.

The latest news reports that to improve the situation, a minimum targeting of 200 rubles for each teacher can be applied. The level of remuneration also directly depends on the region in which the teacher works. The Moscow salary level is higher due to the large number of allowances. Employees of nurseries and kindergartens in Moscow receive from 20 to 50 thousand rubles. At the level of a provincial rural educational institution, an employee can count on a maximum of 13 thousand rubles.

According to information from some sources, the province plans to improve the financial situation of educators by 200%. It is possible that surcharges will appear in the regions in 2018. Other sources report that the Russian government’s plans for this year only include indexation of teachers’ salaries.

Teachers' salaries expected to increase

How much do teaching assistants earn?

Another issue that concerns representatives of the education system is an increase in wages for teaching assistants. Such a position is most often not in demand and not prestigious. This is due to the low level of wages and the lack of a clear answer to the question of whether teacher assistants will receive an increase from the state budget.

Citizens working in this specialty always have a high workload that does not correspond to the salary level. Assistants to employees of kindergartens and nurseries claim a salary of 6 to 15 thousand rubles.

Moscow assistant teachers can count on a salary of about 20 thousand rubles. The Russian government assures that salaries will undergo mandatory indexation in 2018. Thus, wages for kindergarten employees can increase by 3-5%.

The salary of teachers will be from 6 to 15 thousand

Teachers' salaries - regulatory framework

The salaries of teachers in Russia in 2018 are regulated at the legislative level. The latest news suggests that the position of a teacher is work in preschool, school and specialized educational institutions, which is privately or municipally owned. Salaries in private educational institutions are not subject to indexation. The amount of payment is determined by the employer.

At the same time, wage regulation in the Russian Federation is based on the following legal acts:

  • in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • in collective agreements between the employee and the employer and the employment contract;
  • in various orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
  • in Presidential Decrees.

During the indexation process, the wages of employees in the education sector will be adjusted. This process is primarily associated with the annual increase in consumer prices. In 2018, it is possible that indexing will be carried out in automatic and semi-automatic mode.

It is not yet known for sure whether the indexation of payments will take place in 2018

In the first case, wage growth occurs on the basis of inflation. In the second case, the salary increase is based on an agreement between the employer and trade unions or local authorities, so that citizens have social security.

In 2012, a Decree of the President of the Russian Federation appeared, which outlined the need to increase the salaries of nursery and kindergarten teachers by 50%. This decision is long-term and should be finally implemented this year.

The average salary for teachers of kindergartens and nurseries in Moscow ranged from 20 to 35 thousand rubles. For comparison, in Tula the same employee received from 11 to 31 thousand rubles. The lowest level of income for education system specialists was recorded in the city of Saratov. Here it ranged from 10 to 17 thousand rubles.

Thus, the answer to the question of whether payments will be made to educators depends on economic and political factors. On the one hand, officials are obliged to implement Presidential Decrees and follow the Laws of the Russian Federation, on the other hand, there is no material basis for this, since there is not enough finance in the budget.

Young mothers, in order to get a place for their child in kindergarten, often apply for vacancies that do not require specific professional training. Most often, they choose jobs as nannies (junior educators), accountants, and kitchen workers.

Most often, mothers pay attention specifically to the position of a junior teacher, since this profession is in demand, and kindergartens often need employees for this vacancy. The requirements for applicants are now much lower than they were 15-20 years ago. However, due to the tightening and expansion of the range of responsibilities, applicants for this position must have a specialized secondary or higher education. Often, when hiring, the heads of preschool institutions turn a blind eye to the profile by which it was obtained. This is partly due to the fact that, with a large number of responsibilities, the salary of a teaching assistant is not very high.

What duties will you have to perform?

The junior teacher has a fairly heavy workload. These professionals perform a wide range of responsibilities, which has grown significantly in recent years. First of all, all the actions of the nanny, which is what parents call this position, should be aimed at creating a comfortable and calm atmosphere in the group. In addition, the assistant teacher needs to think about maintaining sanitary and hygienic standards, changing children's clothes and setting tables.

All responsibilities are described in detail in the job description, which is given in each kindergarten for review when applying for a job or interviewing the head of a preschool institution. All responsibilities can be roughly divided into large groups:

  • pedagogical activity (assisting the teacher in organizing events that are supposed to be carried out according to the daily routine);
  • ensuring safety (it is necessary to protect life and health the entire time the child is in kindergarten, including the junior teacher is obliged to provide pre-medical care);
  • cleanliness of the premises (wet cleaning, change of linen, sanitation of toys);
  • organizing meals for children (distributing food, carrying it from the kitchen, setting the table);
  • organization of sleep (changing clothes, putting them to bed and ensuring peace and quiet while children rest);
  • participation in health-improving activities (preparing a group for a walk or to the pool, organizing hygiene procedures, hardening under the supervision of a medical professional);
  • participation in the educational process (for example, prevention of bad habits and identification of behavioral deviations).

An assistant teacher has a lot of responsibilities, but with some skill, you can easily get everything done in a working day. According to the norms, as mentioned above, having a pedagogical education is welcome, but in reality, young mothers without it are employed as nannies. This is due to the high demand for such specialists, and you can gain the necessary experience and skills while working.

What is the salary of junior kindergarten teaching staff?

Salaries in this area are quite low, therefore, there is staff turnover. Therefore, there are only two requirements for candidates for this position: age 18 or over and successful completion of a medical commission (doctors must be cleared to work with children). For the accumulated work experience, you can receive a second or first category. Salary depends on success in this profession. Over time, there is the possibility of obtaining pedagogical education and promotion to a teacher or transfer to a private preschool institution:

  • with more than three years of work experience, category 1 is assigned;
  • The 2nd category is received by junior teachers who have worked in kindergarten for more than a year.

The possibility of salary growth is very attractive to applicants for the position of assistant teacher, since on average across the country workers with this specialty do not receive more than 6-10 thousand rubles. In Moscow and the region, as a rule, this amount is slightly higher, but does not differ much from the national average - 12,000 rubles. At the same time, as public sector employees, junior teaching staff are entitled to a number of benefits and compensations.

How is the salary of a junior teacher calculated?

Salary is made up of several factors. It is calculated as follows: interest for performing duties and additional hours is added to the bare salary. The amount of wages may be affected by:

  1. Qualification. This has already been touched upon above, but it is worth noting that already in 2018 there was a significant revision of the tariff schedule and allowances for junior teachers after receiving a certain category began to change more significantly.
  2. Output by number of shifts or hours. For example, when a junior teacher works 5 days a week for 10-12 hours, the salary can be 1.5-2 times higher. Typically, full-time work is found in a kindergarten only in cases of staff shortages, when the nanny does not have a replacement. The salary increases by the coefficient when calculating hours.
  3. According to the current Labor Code, the position of a junior teacher is hard work, and a 10% bonus is given to the salary for it.
  4. In specialized institutions (for children with poor health, in an ophthalmological or speech therapy kindergarten), as a rule, a higher base salary is assigned or bonuses are prescribed in the contract.
  5. In 24-hour kindergartens, 15 to 20 percent is added to the salary for night shifts.
  6. The salaries of teachers and their assistants in language preschool institutions are 15% higher.
  7. Depending on the region, employees are entitled to additional northern bonuses, the coefficient ranges from 15 to 35%.
  8. For success in work, a bonus may be awarded at the discretion of the administration.

Some types of allowances are provided only in highly specialized child care institutions and cannot always be assigned. Considering the relatively small size of the fixed rate, the total amount is small.

In non-state educational institutions, salaries are several times higher, but with the increase in their number, this trend began to reverse. You can only get a decent salary in a prestigious kindergarten, and in a large number of recently opened educational institutions, the salary is not much different from state institutions. Preschool institutions, in which all employees are paid a good salary, place higher demands on applicants for the position of junior teacher, and the staff turnover there is much lower than in ordinary kindergartens. At the same time, the load there is much lower, due to the small size of the groups.

What junior educators can expect in 2019

Due to the unstable economic situation, all public sector workers, including educators, are worried: will the state fulfill its promises and will wage reform continue? Let us recall that in 2012 the Decree on remuneration of public sector employees was signed. According to it, by 2020, the salaries of preschool specialists should be as close as possible to the regional average.

The 2019 budget includes an increase in the salaries of junior teachers. This will be in addition to the reforms launched to date. In recent years, the salary calculation algorithm has already been changed. The basis is now taken as the base salary according to the position in the staffing table. For 2019, a higher tariff rate has already been prescribed, for which the accounting departments will then calculate allowances.

A large number of issues still remain unresolved, and from this we can conclude: in order to radically change the level of wages by 2020, it is necessary to revise the tariff schedule more than once over the next two years.

But the treasury is now experiencing a shortage of finances, and this affects the situation with state employees who have nowhere to give salary increases. The Decree was published 5 years ago, and since then little has changed for the better. The planned increase in the incomes of workers in a budgetary environment should be completed in the 18th year. There are quite a lot of people who represent the government structure, various municipal organizations and departments, respectively, but since with the crisis the budget is replenished slowly and in missing portions, there are not enough funds in the federal treasury for everyone. Therefore, they began to increase salaries for medical staff, teachers and structures responsible for the country’s security. Whether the turn will come to kindergartens and what will happen to teachers’ salaries next year is impossible to answer unequivocally at the moment.

Teachers' salaries in 2018


Because what will actually happen to teachers’ salaries will be known later. So, for Moscow and other regions the difference can reach a fourfold proportion. Teachers in the capital have the opportunity to enjoy all sorts of bonuses, the amount of which together with the salary reaches 20...40 thousand rubles.

Thus, for rural educators the figure can barely reach 8...13 thousand. A bright future for educators Everything stated above can be called a misunderstanding. The problem was reviewed by experts. State employees, including teachers, can be provided with allowances in the proportion of 200% of the current 100%.
So, even with the current minimum wage, people will begin to receive no less than sixteen thousand rubles.

Increase in salaries for teachers in 2018 in Russia


In villages, the increase in salaries for teachers in 2018 in Russia will be decided in the form of bonuses, which is increasingly being covered in the media. It is interesting that there is other information regarding the size of the increase. It is represented by an indexation value, that is, 4%. And if now the salary is about eight thousand, then 320 rubles will be plus this amount next year.

So, in anticipation of a significant increase in income, educators may not receive any, but be content only with what indexation of educators’ salaries will provide. Only the moment by which the surcharge is implemented will determine the surcharge and its size. Rewarding in a new way The experience of rewarding has already shown itself at a time when the computerization of educational institutions was being implemented.
Now the base part should be increased.

Teacher's salary in 2018: latest news

Increase in salaries for educators in 2018 In terms of salaries, the year can be called a year of disappointment for educators. Hopes for wage indexation were in vain; in fact, they did not happen. The prospects for the future growth of teachers’ salaries are also quite vague. Will teachers' salaries be increased in 2018? We can expect qualitative changes in a positive direction. On the topic “teacher salaries in 2018,” the latest news is as follows: officials promised to index and increase the salary. This year there is nothing to please specialists in material terms. According to the government, there is virtually no money in the current budget to index teachers’ salaries.

Increase in the salary of a junior teacher in 2018 in Russia

Over time, there is the possibility of obtaining pedagogical education and promotion to a teacher or transfer to a private preschool institution:

  • with more than three years of work experience, category 1 is assigned;
  • The 2nd category is received by junior teachers who have worked in kindergarten for more than a year.

The possibility of salary growth is very attractive to applicants for the position of assistant teacher, since on average across the country workers with this specialty do not receive more than 6-10 thousand rubles. In Moscow and the region, as a rule, this amount is slightly higher, but does not differ much from the national average - 12,000 rubles. At the same time, as public sector employees, junior teaching staff are entitled to a number of benefits and compensations.

Read also: Will the salaries of justices of the peace be increased next year? How is the salary of a junior teacher calculated? The salary consists of several factors.

Teachers’ salaries in 2018: will there be an increase and by what percentage?

The scope of the study is limited to the salaries of teachers working in municipal educational institutions, since the salaries of private workers are not subject to indexation by the authorities. The salaries of teachers are regulated by the following regulations:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation: Article 129 and Article 135.
  • An employment contract or collective agreement between an employee/group of employees and the employer, as well as other intra-organizational regulatory documents: Charter, wage scale, and so on.
  • Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (in particular, order number 1600 and order number AF-947) and the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.
  • Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

Teachers' salaries in 2018

Indexation of salaries for educators in 2018 Indexation of salaries for educators will definitely take place in 2018 in accordance with the tasks that the President officially set for the government:

  • reduce queues at nurseries and kindergartens;
  • annually index salaries for teachers in preschool institutions. Unfortunately, by mid-2017 the tasks cannot be considered fully completed. The current state of affairs has provoked the departure of a large number of young specialists from the profession.

In order to significantly improve the financial situation of educators, it is necessary to allocate several trillion rubles.
It is unknown whether the Government was able to allocate such an amount to the salary fund. According to the current situation, we can note only the minimum indexation for each teacher of 200 rubles. The salary level also depends on the region.

We should not forget about the enormous responsibility for the life and health of children, and not just for their upbringing, which is borne by representatives of this profession. Therefore, no one will cut teachers. Junior kindergarten staff It is worth mentioning separately about junior kindergarten teachers who have a heavy workload.

Today, nannies have an even more difficult time, because their responsibilities have only been added. Every parent wants it. So that their child grows up in a group where there is a comfortable and calm atmosphere. The assistant teacher monitors order and harmony in the children's environment, sanitary and hygienic standards, helps the children change clothes, and sets the table.

Before they can be hired as a nanny, women undergo interviews with the head of the preschool institution, where, in addition to talking and telling about themselves, they get acquainted with the job description.

What is the salary of a junior teacher in 2018?

And they must also be patient in order to calmly deal with a whole group of noisy kids throughout the working day, help them get dressed, answer any question, etc. A preschool employee must improve, increasing his qualifications and level of knowledge, and hone his professional skills. An increase in salaries for teachers in 2018 is expected in Russia, because the latest news provides information about the indexation of salaries for all public sector employees, including preschool teachers.

It is not yet clear whether educators will get 200% income next year and a percentage increase in income. This topic can be revealed more precisely only at the end of the current annual period. The authorities are aware that government staff do not receive fair wages.

And therefore they are trying to do something to improve the material well-being of the state’s workers.


After all, to obtain the incentive part you have to work hard, and indexation does not apply to it, and coefficients are also not applied. During 2012-14 there was a dramatic change. A form for calculating bonus points has been created for teachers.

For each point earned, a coefficient was used by which the result of the work received was multiplied. To accumulate points, you need to do extra work regularly. To do this, you should write plans, often in your free time.

Children in the group are engaged in a variety of activities, performing various tasks. Plus, you need to monitor the quality of your work so that additional activities do not come at the expense of the main ones. Then the teacher’s salary for 2018 in the Russian Federation will look more attractive.

The preparedness of preschoolers to start in a general education institution also depends on this.


Salary in the education sector depends on many factors: the teaching load, length of teaching experience, availability of a qualification category and other parameters. But in any case, these indicators should not worsen the lives of specialists working with children. On the contrary, according to trade unions, it should be decent and adequate to work. Therefore, members of trade union organizations try to periodically seek bonuses for work. So the salary teacher in kindergarten it consists of a basic one, to which various allowances are added. For example, regional. Each municipality has the right to set its own amount of additional remuneration for kindergarten workers. It ranges from 15 to 35%. The largest regional allowance is the so-called “northern”. This is due to the fact that work in the North is one of the most difficult, even if it is a simple teacher.

Next to the salary teacher a certain fee for qualification is added. This means that young teachers who are just starting to work and have a qualification group, for example the seventh, will receive much less than their more experienced colleagues who have already increased their level of professionalism several times.

Plus to salary teacher There will also be activities such as conducting clubs, additional classes and sections. However, here it is necessary to take into account that not all groups of teachers can teach some additional classes. For example, a teacher who teaches will not be allowed to conduct any sports classes for children.

If a preschool institution is responsible for a group or the head of a particular department, he is also entitled to a bonus. In addition, the management of the kindergarten can periodically provide bonuses to its especially responsible employees, which also has a positive effect on increasing wages teacher.

Also, an increase can be assigned to those employees who work according to the principle. In case of teacher mi kindergarten, with this mode of work, there should also be bonuses for harmful, intense work. After all, teachers usually work according to the schedule, because physically it is very difficult for one person to look after and teach classes to a group of 15-20 children all day long. In addition, the teacher bears enormous responsibility for each of them. This means that if he is the only one constantly in such a busy schedule, then he should be paid extra within 10%.

Plus, an addition to the salary goes to teachers who work in specialized children's institutions - these are kindergartens with a certain profile (for example, speech therapy, ophthalmology, etc.), in boarding schools (here another additional allowance is made for working in), etc. The salary increase in this case occurs within 15-20%.

A separate bonus in the amount of 15% of the wage rate is assigned teacher m, who work in preschool educational institutions with in-depth study of the Russian language and conducting additional classes in national languages.


Increase in salaries for teachers in 2013. Thus, starting from the second quarter of 2013, the average salary of teachers will be about 18.5 thousand rubles. In total, according to calculations by the Ministry of Education, about 30 billion rubles will be spent from regional budgets to increase the salaries of teaching staff in preschool educational institutions.

Helpful advice

Teachers' salaries will increase by 20-25% on average. “I emphasize, on average,” Sobyanin noted and continued: “Since wages are increasing to the greatest extent in those preschool institutions, where today He noted that in 2012 the average salary of teachers in Moscow should be equal to the average salary in the city. Teachers of regular city schools should receive the maximum increase, the Moscow mayor emphasized.


  • salary increase for teachers

Salary to the teacher- category is undefined. Due to changes in legislation regarding the accrual of money for teachers, the amount allocated for funds in the budget has not changed. The system for distributing these funds among recipients has changed.


Before the changes were made, it consisted of two parts. The first is a certain set tariff (an amount that directly depended on his qualifications, his work experience, and the number of hours in his subject). The second part is the above-tariff fund, payments from which were made for extracurricular work and other additional loads (responsibility for a certain office, class management, etc.).

Now the principle of payroll has changed. And it depends mainly on the intensity of work and the number of children in the class. All prices are based on a certain tariff rate, which is established on the basis of the categories of the Unified Tariff Schedule. It is calculated as follows: 18 hours per week for middle and senior students, 20 hours for elementary students. Previously, these indicators were enough to charge a certain amount. Now he receives this amount only if he works the same number of hours, but in addition, the class size is also taken into account (20 people in the village, 25 in the city). This division of funds should highlight active and non-active ones. Active workers will also be able to increase their wages through incentive payments.

Incentive payments from a specially created incentive fund. They are distributed depending on the quality criteria of the work. Each educational institution has its own criteria. As a rule, additional earnings are awarded to those teachers who have academic degrees, state awards or the titles “Honorary Worker”, “Best Teacher”, etc. The main condition is that they receive these titles in the field of education. And, of course, additional money is paid for the results of your work. This may include the quality of education among its students, the preservation of the health of students, and the development of pedagogical creativity. Accordingly, the more a teacher does for the school and students, and for his own creative growth, the higher his salary.

With such a scheme for assessing a teacher’s work, you need to carefully look at the specific environment in which the teacher works. For example, the educational success of children in a rural school and that of children in an elite lyceum in the capital will be completely different. This means that the money distribution system is determined based on the parameters of the area. Other criteria, such as the material equipment of the school, the technical capabilities of the teacher himself and many others, must also be taken into account when calculating the incentive part of the salary.


  • how to calculate a teacher's salary

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